Fetch EMBL example X53828, show Cross-Refs for Uniprot.
Sequences and mappings are
X53828/1-1575 [60, 1058] 3:1 to [1, 332] P00340/1-332
CAA37824.1 [1, 999] 3:1 to [1, 332] P00340
X53828 [60, 1058] 1:1 to CAA37824.1 [1, 999]
Save to project and reload. The dataset sequence for X53828 has start/end 60/1058, should be 1/1575.
Sequences and mappings are
X53828/1-1575 [60, 1058] 3:1 to [1, 332] P00340/1-332
CAA37824.1 [1, 999] 3:1 to [1, 332] P00340
X53828 [60, 1058] 1:1 to CAA37824.1 [1, 999]
Save to project and reload. The dataset sequence for X53828 has start/end 60/1058, should be 1/1575.
Issue Links
- blocks
JAL-2110 Duplicate uniprot entries from Ensembl->Show cross-refs->Uniprot
- Closed
- depends on
JAL-2106 change SequenceI.getSourceDBRef() to getPrimaryDBRefs()
- Closed
- related with
JAL-2023 Error loading project saved with CDS/protein split frame
- Closed
JAL-2155 CDS consensus row counts both transcript and locus CDS mappings for protein sequences
- Open
JAL-2179 ENA secondary accession field not imported
- Open
JAL-2157 Cannot import PDB 4uj3
- Resolved
(1 related with)