Clear any existing user defined colourschemes from your jalview_properties
Import a protein alignment (feredoxins).
Create a user defined colourscheme "foo" and save it to a file
Close alignment (or even restart jalview) and open it again.
Apply the foo colourscheme.
Select Colour by conservation
Click back to alignment window to get focus & Press Ctrl-T/CMD-T
New view has user defined colourscheme applied, but conservation shading is not applied.
Import a protein alignment (feredoxins).
Create a user defined colourscheme "foo" and save it to a file
Close alignment (or even restart jalview) and open it again.
Apply the foo colourscheme.
Select Colour by conservation
Click back to alignment window to get focus & Press Ctrl-T/CMD-T
New view has user defined colourscheme applied, but conservation shading is not applied.