Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Affects Version/s:
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Component/s: gui, Structures
Jmol view isn't getting notified to show the 'more than one view/alignment' for superposition submenu. It *is* showing the submenu for choosing which views to colour the structures with, however.
Import two sequences that have structure.
Open a Jmol view with 3d-structures for both.
Calculate an msa of the two sequences or pairwise alignment, so a new alignment window is made.
Select both sequences and open structure chooser - when the cached structure view is shown, select all structures and use the 'Add' button to associate the new msa view with the existing Jmol view.
The Jmol menu should now include a submenu allowing which view to use for superposition to be selected.
Import two sequences that have structure.
Open a Jmol view with 3d-structures for both.
Calculate an msa of the two sequences or pairwise alignment, so a new alignment window is made.
Select both sequences and open structure chooser - when the cached structure view is shown, select all structures and use the 'Add' button to associate the new msa view with the existing Jmol view.
The Jmol menu should now include a submenu allowing which view to use for superposition to be selected.