Java runs out of heap space when performing a pairwise alignment of 340 sequences or more, seemingly due to creating too many AlignSeq objects.
Is there a way to get around this?
I have tried initialising an AlignSeq prior to the main loop and re-using the object with its seqInit method. This makes it incredibly slow and it was not able to finish this in any feasible time. I have also tried splitting the Alignment internally into smaller groups, align those and all combinations of them to not have one big PairwiseAlignPanel, but that only crashed during the 340th.
Is there a way to get around this?
I have tried initialising an AlignSeq prior to the main loop and re-using the object with its seqInit method. This makes it incredibly slow and it was not able to finish this in any feasible time. I have also tried splitting the Alignment internally into smaller groups, align those and all combinations of them to not have one big PairwiseAlignPanel, but that only crashed during the 340th.