Install4j v 8.0 (now 8.0.1) includes a lot of new features. New features of immediate relevance to Jalview include:
* MSI wrapper for Windows installers.
* New on-demand JRE bundle bundle creation with automatic download from the OpenJDK providers AdoptOpenJDK, Liberica and JetBrains Runtime.
* Added a cross-platform "Register a URL handler" action. This allows you to start a launcher from a link in a web browser and facilitates migrations from Java Web Start to install4j.
* File associations and URL handlers for macOS archives.
* File associations for Linux/Unix desktop environments.
* "Create start menu entry" and "Add a desktop link" action: Additional entries for the created .desktop file can now be specified.
* Linux/Unix: Additional content for the .desktop service file can be configured on the "Executable info->Unix options" step of the launcher wizard. This is important for archives and also applies to the "Create program group" action.
* MSI wrapper for Windows installers.
* New on-demand JRE bundle bundle creation with automatic download from the OpenJDK providers AdoptOpenJDK, Liberica and JetBrains Runtime.
* Added a cross-platform "Register a URL handler" action. This allows you to start a launcher from a link in a web browser and facilitates migrations from Java Web Start to install4j.
* File associations and URL handlers for macOS archives.
* File associations for Linux/Unix desktop environments.
* "Create start menu entry" and "Add a desktop link" action: Additional entries for the created .desktop file can now be specified.
* Linux/Unix: Additional content for the .desktop service file can be configured on the "Executable info->Unix options" step of the launcher wizard. This is important for archives and also applies to the "Create program group" action.
Issue Links
- blocks
JAL-3420 Jalview File associations for Linux
- Closed
- related with
JAL-4374 The jalview:// (or jalviewx://) scheme does not work when a port is specified
- Ready for testing
JAL-3606 review install4j 8 capabilities for future Jalview versions
- Open
JAL-4376 Jalview desktop launching scheme URLs (jalview://) should be able to accept query string arguments like jalviewjs for easy comparison
- Open
JAL-3573 Add desktop categories to linux/unix installer .desktop file
- Closed