The servlet allows bioinformatics/db sites to provide a link to view data served by their site in a new Jalview Desktop session. Originally this was done by including arguments in a JNLP file, and the same approach could be introduced in Jalview Locator Files (making them a launch file).
[~soares] proposal:
1. Add a series of jvmarg= lines to specify additional arguments to be passed to jalview.bin.Jalview.main()
2. Make appbase to optional in JVL files so launchApp can specify arguments to a locally installed Jalview without switching the user's currently configured getdown channel.
[~soares] proposal:
1. Add a series of jvmarg= lines to specify additional arguments to be passed to jalview.bin.Jalview.main()
2. Make appbase to optional in JVL files so launchApp can specify arguments to a locally installed Jalview without switching the user's currently configured getdown channel.