New Feature
Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: 2.12.0
Component/s: None
'-' and '.' are used in the results of HMM searches to represent two different types of gap.
'-' refers to a deletion state in the hmm model.
'.' refers to an insertion state in the hmm model.
When importing the result of an HMM search, Jalview's normal behaviour of replacing . and - with the current gap character should be suppressed, and a user preference provided to prevent replacement when importing results from the local file system.
'-' refers to a deletion state in the hmm model.
'.' refers to an insertion state in the hmm model.
When importing the result of an HMM search, Jalview's normal behaviour of replacing . and - with the current gap character should be suppressed, and a user preference provided to prevent replacement when importing results from the local file system.
Issue Links
- related with
JAL-1950 prototype hmmer3 rest client for Jalview
- Open