Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: None
Epic Name:jalview_restapi
The Jalview REST api is designed to enable inter-application and web/desktop communication.
It will be developed in three phases:
0: Command line parameters and GUI/user preferences to enable or disable the REST API.
1: commands to load pre-prepared data files into Jalview in order to recreate one or more views on an alignment complete with any annotation.
1.5: Additional commands to allow trees and structures.
2: Query and eventing
2.1 Query commands to discover datasets and their contents (sequences, alignments, trees, structures, etc)
2.2 Web hooks registration to allow GUI events (mouse overs, selections, view scrolls, etc) to trigger callbacks on web pages and other applications.
It will be developed in three phases:
0: Command line parameters and GUI/user preferences to enable or disable the REST API.
1: commands to load pre-prepared data files into Jalview in order to recreate one or more views on an alignment complete with any annotation.
1.5: Additional commands to allow trees and structures.
2: Query and eventing
2.1 Query commands to discover datasets and their contents (sequences, alignments, trees, structures, etc)
2.2 Web hooks registration to allow GUI events (mouse overs, selections, view scrolls, etc) to trigger callbacks on web pages and other applications.