JABAWS services can have lots of options, and these are not easy to sort through when looking for a particular one. The option pane should present the options ordered in a sensible way (such as alphabetically, and/or grouped by the command line switch they are analogous to), to make it easier to understand.
Specific example is the AACon service (in jabaws 2.0) :
Options provided are 'Normalize' (-n), and a range of calculation options (-m=TYPEOFCALC) - all -m options should be grouped together, and separated from the '-n' set.
Specific example is the AACon service (in jabaws 2.0) :
Options provided are 'Normalize' (-n), and a range of calculation options (-m=TYPEOFCALC) - all -m options should be grouped together, and separated from the '-n' set.
Issue Links
- related with
JWS-50 change AACon service parameter configuration to allow any subset of calculations to be performed
- Resolved