trial merge of JS-applet to JS-develop 18th Oct 2019 .classpath, build.xml, buildcore.xml not in JS-develop (now gradle) /swingjs moved in gradle workspace to ?? resources, libjs - also? conflicts tests ChimeraCommandsTest formatting only? AlignFrameTest setup/teardown location, Desktop.getInstance(); vq JAL-3453 SeqPanelTest change to testFindColumn_unwrapped BackupFilesTest setBackupFilesOptions() diffs FeaturesFileTest fixLineEnd() calls added JAL-3258 src FeatureDistanceModel getDeclaredConstructor JS-develop Cache various Jalview getdown changes, vamsas removal / new constants JalviewLite valueOf / scrollTo api (x3) SequenceFeatures imports only EnsemblMap GeneLocus / EnsemblRestClient unresolved imports HttpMethod, ParseException Desktop --vamsas / ApplicationSingletonProvider and several more... FeatureSettings ++refreshDisplay() / ++cancel() FeatureTypeSettings Dingbats character IdPanel JAL-3093 popup menu changes / comment only OverviewCanvas draw() parameter type PCAPanel / just comments removed? PopupMenu constructor javadoc Preferences backups changes / setPropertyNoSave VamsasApplication disableGui commented out / getInstance() WsPreferences valueOf / getInstance GPreferences / (top level!) classes added FeatureRenderer imports, drawSequence, complement/transparent minor conflicts StructureSelectionManager ++release() / Platform ++pathEquals / lots of added methods